Showing posts from October, 2011

The Elizabethan Age (1579-1602)-part 4

Queen Elizabeth 1 The Elizabethan Age (1579-1602) Spenser’s genius was fed by the Reformation on well as by the love of medieval romance and the culture of the Renaissance , and unlike his brilliant Italian master , Ariosto ,…

The Elizabethan Age (1579-1602)-part 3

Quqeen Elizabeth 1 The Elizabethan Age In the age of the Renaissance there was a great revival of ancient learning , and scholars , like Spenser , dived deep into treasures of classical learning which were then being brought to…

The Elizabethan Age (1579-1602)- part 2

The Elizabethan Age Queen Elizabeth 1 In our study of this great age we have noted  the non-dramatic poets , that is, poets who did not write for the stage .The center of this group is Edmund Spenser , whose ‘ Shepherds Calend…

The Elizabethan Age(1579-1602)

QueenElizabeth the first        The Elizabethan Age The great queen Elizabeth came to the throne in 1558 , and her reign lasting up to 1603 , is golden age in the history of English literature . While the previous age was a Ba…

English Romantic Poets

Romantic poets in English Literature The year, 1798 to 1830 is officially known as the age of romanticism in English literature. A new band of poets appeared with new kinds of poetry in theme and style. Emotion & expressio…

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