list or name of greek and roman gods and goddesses


list or name of greek and roman gods and goddesses Lethe: Iris: Hyperion: Hestia (Vesta): Hermes (Mercury): Hera (Juno): Heracles (Hercules): Hephaestus (Vulcan): Helen: Hebe (Juventas): Hades (Pluto or Dis): Fates: Eros (Cupid): Eris: Demeter (Ceres): Bacchus or Dionysus : Ares (Mars): Athena or Athene (Minerva): Artemis (Diana): Argus Apollo : Aphrodite (Venus): Aeneas: Achiles:


Achilles was mortal the son of Thetis, a sea-goddess and Peleus, the king of Phthia. He was educated by Phoenix. His mother wanted to make him immortal. The Olympians believed that the water of the Styx, the main river in the underworld, made life immortal. So she caught his heel and dipped him in the Styx. The water of the Stys did not touch the heel by which she held him. For this reason, he was defenseless only in the heel. In the battle of Troy Paris killed him by shooting an arrow at this liability. “Achilles heel” a phrase derived from this story, suggests that liability.

Achilles' mother tried to prevent his participation in the Trojan War by disguising him as a maiden at the court of Lycomedes Calchas, the Greek fortune-teller revealed Achilles' hiding piffle where he was detected by Odysseus. Achilles was the most handsome and bravest of all the Greeks who fought in the Trojan War. He loved deeply and hated violently. His wrath is that the subject of the epic. He was killed by Paris. The most flaw of his character was his excessive anger and pride.



Aeneas was a mortal, the son of Aphrodite (R. Venus) and Anchises. Anchises was a descendant of mythical beings, Zeus' son by the Pleiad Electra Aphrodite thought that she was superior to different gods and goddesses together with Zeus as a result of all of them were subject to her love spell. Zeus wasn't pleased with Aphrodite's sense of superiority. He planned to allow her, as a penalization, associate expertise e of mortal love. He created a robust want in Aphrodite for Anchises, a handsome young shepherd. Aphrodite visited him within the disguise of a maiden and created like to him. Aeneas was the result of that love. His semiconductor diode the Trojan survivors from their ruined town to quilt destined target Italy, and thus, was the founding father of the Roman Empire. He’s the hero of Virgil's epic poem.

Aphrodite (Venus):

The immortal of affection. Homer describes her because of the girl of Zeus and Dione, the girl of Epimetheus. But Hesiod, another Greek author, thinks that she was born of froth and married to Hephaistos, the lame craftsman of Mt. Olympus. She fell smitten with Ares, the handsome butcher of Mt. Olympus and mother of Aeneas by Anchises. She was related to love, beauty, and pleasure however she might be equally cruel to destroy those that denied her significance. She was the mother of the Greek deity (R. Cupid). She was smitten with Adonis. Within the warfare, she favoured the Trojans and vie a big role.

Apollo :

The god of sunshine, prophecy, healing, music, sport, and therefore the defender of herds. He was the son of Zeus and Greco-Roman deity. Zeus precious Leto; the girl of Phoebe and Titan. However, once she was pregnant Zeus left her in concern of Hera, his wife. None gave shelter to Greco-Roman deity as a result of all were fearful of Hera. At last, she reached a chunk of land floating on the ocean. No person lived there. it absolutely was referred to as Delos. She demand Delos take care of her and was acknowledged. Artemis and Phoebus Apollo were born there. Phoebus Apollo was the god of truth and his oracles were told at the urban center below eminent Liakoura. He favoured the Trojans within the war of Troy.



A herdsman who had one hundred eyes. Hera sent him to guard the cow Io but Hermes killed him. After his death, Hera put his eyes in the tail of the peacock

Artemis (Diana):

The god of chastity, searching, and wild animals. A female offspring of Zeus and Greco-Roman deity, she was the dual sister of Apollo. She was additionally referred to as Cynthia in keeping with the name of her birthplace, Mount Cynthia in Delos. She was one of all the 3 maiden goddesses of a mountain peak. She was additionally referred to as Phoebe, Selene (R. Luna) which means the moon. Some poets knew her with Hecate, the god of the lower world. She favoured the Trojans within the battle of Troy.


Athena or Athene (Minerva):

The god of war, knowledge, and crafts. She was the female offspring of Zeus and half-breed. Zeus thought that half-breed, pregnant with Greek deity, would bear a baby powerful enough to destroy him. Thus he engulfed half-breed. Later Greek deity sprang from his head. She was one of all the 3 maiden goddesses that she was given the title "Pallas" which means maiden.


Ares (Mars):

The god of war. His father was Zeus and his mother was a Greek deity who was his beloved. Aphrodite's angry husband. Greek deity at bay Ares and Greek deity on the internet whereas they were sex activity.


Bacchus or Dionysus :

The Greek god of wine, fertility, and intoxication. He was the son of Zeus and also the Greek aristocrat Semele. Semele needed to check his original form. She was then pregnant by Zeus. once Zeus appeared before her in his real form, Semele bearing the kid burnt at the sight of the shinning Zeus. Before her death, Zeus saved the baby later became Dionysus. For this reason, it absolutely was conjointly control that Dionysus was born of fireside. He’s conjointly known as the god tracheophyte. His feminine followers are referred to as Maenads.


Demeter (Ceres):

A goddess of the earth. She was a female offspring of Cronus and Rhea and a sister of Zeus. She was idolized as a mother deity.



The goddess of strife. Eris was not invited to Thetis (the sea goddess) and Peleus' wedding because of her quarrelsome character (a mortal). She was offended, so she engraved the words "For the Fairest" on an apple and tossed it among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite as a form of retaliation. It was the Trojan War's original cause. Each of the three goddesses claimed to be the most beautiful. They went to Zeus to settle their beauty contest, but he refused to give them an opinion and instead sent them to Paris, claiming that Paris was the best person to assess female beauty. The three goddesses traveled to Paris, who was a shepherd on Mount Ida at the time. Each of them attempted to curry favor with Paris by bribing him. Hera stated that she would make contact with him.

Eros (Cupid):

The God of love. He is the son of Venus (Aphrodite). He is a charming young man with wings, always carrying arrows. Whenever he shoots an arrow at someone, the person targeted will fall in love with the person Cupid wants. Once he fell in love with Psyche, and after a long struggle, he married Psyche. It is also called love.


The daughter of Zeus and Themis or the night. They often appear as three old women-Cloto, Laksis, and Atopos. As a symbol of their power, they carried a staff. They are considered to be on the line of life, and when life ends, they are disconnected. The fate of the Romans is called Nona, Decuma, and Morta. Fate is not under the control of Zeus (Jupiter)


 Hades (Pluto or Dis):

The god of the afterlife. He was Zeus' brother and the son of Cronus and Rhea. He kidnapped and married Persephone. He and Persephone presided over the underworld. Hades is also the name of the afterlife's realm.

Hebe (Juventas):

A goddess's handmaiden. She married Heracles after he attained divinity and served nectar to the gods.



The world's most virtuous woman. Her mother was Leda, a mortal, and her lathe was Zeus, who appeared to Leda in the appearance of a swan. Helen's mother was married to King Tyndareus of Sparta, and she was the sister of Castor and Pollux. All of Greece's princes wanted to marry her because she was so gorgeous. Tyndareus found himself in a hazardous situation. He requested all of the princes to agree that if and when required, they would all protect Helen and her would-be husband, whoever that might be. The requirement was agreed upon by all of them. Helen's husband was chosen as Menelaus. Later, when Paris kidnapped Helen and took her to Troy, all of Greece's princes fought the Trojans to reclaim Helen.

Hephaestus (Vulcan):

The fiery god. Zeus and Hera were his parents. He was a craftsman and an artist. He was unsightly and lame, but he was married to the lovely Aphrodite, who was unfaithful to him. He created Achilles' famed shield.


Heracles (Hercules):

For his superhuman deeds, a Greek hero was elevated to the status of deity. He was Zeus' and Alcmene's son. He wedded Hebe, the goddess's handmaid.

Hera (Juno):

Women's and marriage's defenders. She was Zeus's wife and sister. Cronus and Rhea had a daughter named Rhea. Many women who fell in love with her spouse were punished by her.


Hermes (Mercury):

The Zeus' messenger. He was Zeus' and Maia's son. Because his sandals, helmet, and magic wand were all winged, he was graceful and quick. Among the gods, he was perhaps the craftiest. He guided the souls of the deceased to their final resting place.

Hestia (Vesta):

The hearth goddess. Cronus and Rhea had a daughter, and Zeus had a sister. One of the three virgin goddesses, she was the youngest of the three.



The sun is the father of Helios.



The rainbow goddess. She was Thaumas and Electra's daughter (the daughter of Oceanus). Hera's servant, she was. She was also a messenger like Hermes on occasion (Mercury).


The Forgotten River of the Underworld (Hades). The dead souls drank the water of this river and forgot their past.

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